Originally Posted by Bernica
I hear you RodKnock!!! At the 76 station filling up with race gas and the woman filling her car next to me saw what I was pumping. She asked me: "That's really expensive gas! So, do you use that for better mileage?. I said: "No, I get about 5-7mpg, that's why I have a 42 gallon tank!!" She went ballistic on me and I thought I was going to be assaulted!! She even waited for me to go settle with the guy inside so she could scream at me some more And yes, she was driving a Platapus (Prius).
And I bet she burns wood in her fireplace, smokes cigarettes, drops trash everywhere, wears her tires out of round because she never checks the air pressure or her tire alignment, doesn't compost or recycle her trash, throws batteries in her trash, drops her bipolar medications in the toilet, uses aerosal cans for her hairdo, over-waters her lawn and lets the water run down the street, and lets her gardener use a gas blower to clear the leaves off her property.
Yelling at us for using our cars 6-10 times a year.
Where's my "Hybrid" side emblem? Better go incognito next time out.