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Ok, I know about the service that ERA provides. Never doubted that for a second.
You guys have given some great info. So thanks! I really don't think I can go wrong with either maker. I guess I was looking for more technical things about the cars. I know the first Cobra I ever sat in was an ERA and it got me into the hobby. And I have a few friends in the Houston Club that drive them gave me a little talking to when I said I was going to start looking for a replacement for the EM. I don't know anyone and have never seen a Contemporary car in person as far as I know. I do remember that most everything I have read, holds those cars in high regard.
When I built my EM the decision came down to ERA, CCX and EM. EM let me buy and build in a way I could afford at the time. Now that I'm looking at a completed car, looks like I'm at the same cross roads. I know what I liked and didn't like about my EM so I'm just trying to find the things other than service that set the ERA and CCX apart.
The future is no place, to place your better days....