Originally Posted by ZOERA-SC7XX
The reason this site appeals to me has to do with Cobras and American V8's. It's a place I don't have to see or hear about Toyotas or Hondas or any cars or bikes from that part of the world. I would rather walk then have one of those chain saws with wheels in my garage. Put them on their own web site where they belong.
Chainsaw with wheels? Ouch! But also agree! Have to admit it is amazing what these tiny motors can belt out for numbers,but we don't need to see it here.
Wonder how much Meriden has changed since the 60's.Only time I ever lived outside of Maine,1966 moved to Meriden.Before moving back North lived in Wallingford.One of our last big storms worked with lineman from that area,brought back a lot of good memories talking with them.They say I would not recognise much.Mike Ross