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Even if you are buying a "kit" to assemble / build yourself - ERA will sell you body / chassis / components - in any stage of assembly you desire. Straight from the mold - or painted roller - "you do the rest". As far as the wait - it depends on the timing. I was lucky - got a chassis # in 3 weeks after putting my deposit down on my FIA. Biggest delay was the paint shop - not an ERA facility. Deposit to "in the garage" for a turnkey was 12 months. Could have had an unpainted roller in 4 months. Every one is different. I am convinced that ERA has the best chassis / glass body / custom suspension package on the market.
Little design / engineering features: Chassis member wraps around the rear of the passenger compartment at shoulder height. Many others are "pure ladder" frame chassis.
The DOOR LATCHES are mounted on a steel plate that bolts onto a steel chassis member. I have seen others in which the door latch is mounted onto a glass block that is part of the glass body. Which one is stronger? Which one will hold a screw? You could probably LIFT and ERA by the two door latches. Some cars have an "adaptor kit" that permits you to mount an emergency brake. In some cases cutting a hole through a glass tub (passenger compartment" and mounting it to the glass tunnel). ERA? The chassis is designed with welded steel brackets that hold an original Jaguar Ebrake assembly, and the passenger compartment is finished in aluminum panels - identical to the original car.
Whether you are going to buy a turnkey or build a "kit", you really need to invest some frequent flyer miles and take a trip to ERA in New Britain, Ct. Peter is a caraholic. I was visiting at one time during my FIA's build, and Peter spent a good 30 minutes or longer with 2 guys who had purchased a STREET BEAST kit - and couldn't get help from their factory. Peter gave them a tour of the chassis & glass shop, the finish shop - listened to their particular problems - and gave suggestions on how to resolve their problems. He closed with "hey guys, stop in any time, I'll help you in any way I can".
Are you kidding me? I wouldn't even consider buying a glass cobra from anyone but ERA. Now an aluminum body - then - unless Peter is doing something he has not mentioned to the public - you have to have a chat with Kirkham.
Last edited by Rickd; 05-15-2011 at 07:10 AM..