Well, I think I looked at too many pictures of forum member's "1985 CCX" car. Yeah, the old blue contemporary in his gallery caused all of this
... So, here goes. In an attempt to make my 1989 Vintage Midstates Cobra a little more period correct I'm taking her down to the bones. Some of the things I am hoping to replace with more period correct Items are as follows:
- Ford 9" Rear will be tossed out for a Jag E-Type IRS.
- Existing Fiberglass Dash Panel will be replaced with a period correct
Aluminum Acton Custom unit.
- Stewart Warner Guages will be replaced with OE Type Smith's Gauges from
- Roll Bar will be replaced with a period correct Acton Custom Unit.
- Bolt on Wheels will be replaced with Vintage Wheel 15" Pin Drives and
Goodyear Billboards.
And.......... A host of other things as I go..
Progress may be sporadic but I've already got a good start.