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Wrench87 is dead on. One of the big problems is that few of the techs take any pride in the work. Granted it is not difficult to anylize most issues anymore with all the computers, with rare exception they plug a scanner in the diagnostic port, read the codes and head for the parts counter on your dime. If they do not read all of the potential causes before parts start being changed you're going to have comebacks and multiple parts being installed in search of a fix.. The environment at a Dealership Service Dept has changed. With the advent of electronics they can make more money quicker (and get you back on the road) by exchanging a part rather than by attempting to repair an existing one, consequently that is what all the OEM's have shifted to, also acknowlege that with the huge increase of electrical accessories and electronics (who can get along without their Power windows, Navigation Systempocomponents that the parts themselves can seldom be repaired at a Dealer level (nor would you want them to be). Manufacturers (retain) make larger margins by selling the parts and the dealers do to. Dealerships are expensive businesses to operate, I am not making excuses for shoddy work to any of you, it comes down to the guy holding the wrench in his hand, and how thourough he is at HIS job. I've worked in Dealerships for my entire working career, in what we call the front end (sales dept). I make it clear early on with any tech I come in contact with that I understand what goes on with the working of the vehicles, and by doing so they seldom attempt to feed me a BS Sandwich. Ive seen some very good techs that made very good money and had few complaints and I've certainly seen the bad ones too, they float from one dealer to another. Unfortunately the bad one have to work on "Someones car", just make sure it isn't yours. It's unfortunate when you experience the latter.
As you slide down the Banister of Life, may the splinters never be pointing the wrong way
Last edited by Rick Parker; 05-19-2011 at 11:44 PM..