Originally Posted by madmaxx
YOU WANT THE FELPRO GASKETS WITH THE STEEL INSERT!!!!! I would replace the damaged studs, pushrods, and verify correct geometry and go back together, no need to pull engine. You can drop the pan and clean off oil pump screen if you want. Anything that got past the oil pump screen was caught in the oil filter. I did extensive testing and even at 40F the oil filter only had 5psig differential so it never by-passes which requires 9-11psig. Dont waste your money.
What about those parts found in the oil pan???? on their way to the bottom of the pan, do you think they didn't hit any of the rotating assembly??? any of those pieces hitting the spining crank would have been shot somewhere inside the engine before finally ending up in the pan, could have easily hit the cam/any rod or rods/or the bottom of a piston and done some damage.....I'd spend the time and the cost of a new set of gaskets finding out if it were mine. A lot less esxpensive than finding out later when something lets go... and how about a valve hitting a piston when the rocker stud broke,how can that be checked without pulling the head?