Originally Posted by mreid
The only advise I have left is for Eric. How you handle this issue and the one in the other thread will, right or wrong, affect how the majority of people think and talk about your company. That does not mean giving in on every issue. What it means is taking responsibility where it is yours and following through on any commitments made. At this point I would also finish the conversations in this thread. If you walk away now, the only voices will be those of Chris and your supporters. The rest of us will be left with a big question mark. That's not a good thing.
I agree.
This is why I asked Eric (in post #25) to respond to the money issues. The mechanical issues are sometimes hard to understand. I understand money.
If Eric elects to ignore this issue, we are left to form our conclusions without his input. That is not good for Eric.
If he says he never promises Chris money, we have a he said/she said.
If he promised Chris money and then stiffarmed him, goodbye.