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The information about the two cars being clipped was disproven a few years ago by an examination of the remains of the car Radford Racing sold, now numbered ****, by three experts, including Stuart Hall, Geoff Howard, and the registrar. Each reached the same conclusion independently: the car is quite original and maintains its original chassis and almost all of its body work. The story about the cars being combined and using a new chassis was fabricated by a mechanic, even though none of the Radford team could recall having it done, and each vehemently said "we certainly didn't pay for it!" As for the 2 cars using the 2301 VIN today, each was built with new parts well after the 60's. And the supposed remains dumped down a well and miraculously "found" by a joker on the west coast aren't worth spit in a river.
Ned Scudder