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I drove the car on a trip from Tacoma to Sumner. On 512 My SWvoltage gage went to 15.5+ volts for the whole trip at about 3,ooo rpm , about 20 minutes. I stalled the engine at a street light in Sumner everything went dead again. I was prepared and turrned on the headlights. The engine restarted and we were off. Now I notice that the voltage is now at about 14 volts. We went to the resturant and drove home with the voltage at 14 volts and everything operating correctly. I didn't notice the voltage before. Could the voltage regulator be the problem? I had a problem with the original voltage regulator a few years back. I bought a new voltage regulator at Baxter. That voltage regulator broke emediatly and Baxter replaced that voltage regulator with the one I now have. Are there better regulator available?
Mike H