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Old 06-06-2011, 12:43 PM
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Default Well, the dyno numbers weren't kind to me...

I hit the chassis dyno today... All runs were kept with the same amount of cool down and other similarities

The numbers weren't kind to me. In fact, I think the corrected numbers are low as the operator wasn't sensing temp and humidity at the carbs. This is a topic for another discussion though.

Run #1 was open carbs, no filters at all.

Run #2 was with the old restrictive filter.

Run #3 was with the new filter setup.

Here's the SAE corrected graph.

Here's the STD graph.

It appears that open carbs tends to generate some inlet air turbulence, at least that would be my explanation of it being the lowest number.

The run with the new filter indicates marginal, although measurable gains. Given the hot dyno operation I would imagine the gains becoming more marked with the open road's cooler (and denser) temps.

Those who say the "unsealed" hood scoop actually blows air out instead of sucking it in is mistaken, at least in my case. After a 10 minute 60 mph jaunt down the road during 78 deg temps I opened the hood to feel the air cleaner top. It felt like it was very cool, around outside ambient temp. I then tried it at 35 mph with the same results. This puppy sucks outside air going down the road.

All in all, I would call new intake a minor success. Cooler temps will tell me just how minor of an improvement it is.
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