... or anyone else, I suppose, except Bob. OK, Chas... tackle this one: You're out in your ERA Cobra, and you lose your ignition key. The only tools you have are a screwdriver, and a three inch piece of wire (ends conveniently stripped). It's too dark for you to see or feel for the back of the ignition switch behind the dash (plus your back is out), so you can't do it that way for this exercise. Using nothing more than your three inch piece of wire and a screwdriver, how would you hotwire and start your car
in one minute or less? Mind you there are no "sneaky word-tricks" to this; you should be able to do it with just the one piece of wire and screwdriver. Also, the solution must work regardless of whether you're running an original points/condenser system or a new style MSD or Mallory electronic ignition -- and you can't "steal a wire" from somewhere else on the car, either.