Thread: 78 Miles
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Old 06-18-2011, 11:38 AM
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Wow John. That is an absolutely disgraceful shame. You've paid (a lot) in full, tolerated an awfully long wait and now this. A year and a half for a car that basically needs a drivetrain dropped in, wired and plumbed - and it still won't run! These people have a lot to answer for.

You still have a beautiful Cobra though. The issues had nothing to do with Superformance and maybe one ought to expect some R&D issues with the unconventional drivetrain. However, the car should have been sorted and tested by the time you took delivery, if only to spare you the disappointment you experienced on your long awaited first few drives.

I feel for you buddy and I really hope these folks realize how important it is for them to make this right double quick.

One thought - have you considered (if it's even possible) putting a manual valve body in the slushbox? You'll still be clutchless and at least you won't have to worry about unpredictable up and down shifts. In a high powered Cobra, you want to make sure you're in full control. With all that torque, a surprise shift while negotiating a sharp turn, changing lanes to pass or accelerating on a damp off ramp could ruin your day in a real big hurry my friend.

At the end of the day - you've spent a load of money and endured an interminable wait. You've come this far, so make sure it isn't all for naught. Salvage your dream. Just like that transmission controller, you need to reprogram. Chalk up these first drives to research and development. Focus on the aspects of the car you liked and make sure they are kept or enhanced. Make them eliminate or improve the things you didn't like. Finally, try again to look forward with enthusiasm to the day you get your hands on your Cobra all sorted and ready to enjoy.
Tropical Buzz

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. -(wasn't me)

BEWARE OF THE DOGma!! Dogmatism bites...
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