You said
One thought - have you considered (if it's even possible) putting a manual valve body in the slushbox? You'll still be clutchless and at least you won't have to worry about unpredictable up and down shifts. In a high powered Cobra, you want to make sure you're in full control. With all that torque, a surprise shift while negotiating a sharp turn, changing lanes to pass or accelerating on a damp off ramp could ruin your day in a real big hurry my friend.
Is this based on experience, or is it speculation?
I've run my automatic at Sebring, Daytona, Gainesville, Roebling Road and others for literally hours at my limit without any difficulties induced by a "surprise shift."
I have had, um, unexpected directional excursions but none could in any way be linked to the trans - only to my lack of skill!
I'm curious as to what experience(s) you may have had that prompted you to make this remark. Seems to me the incidents you propose as dangerous could also be accomplished with a stick shift, and seem to involve accelerating in inappropriate circumstances not related to the type of trans.
Can you enlighten me?