Originally Posted by csx4910
When we spend $40K+ on a motor, you would think that you wouldnt need to rebuild the engine top to bottom with under a 1000 miles on it.
Happened to me - three times with the same engine!
It has taken 3 years to finally sort out all of the problems from the initial build. Finally, just this past week I corrected the last "missed" detail from the original install. The beast runs like a scalded dog now - finally.
I feel for ya Tin-Man. I really, really do. I'd like to think that these vendors you are using are the best. Maybe they are. That would be great. But, the reality is that as I have learned - this is hot rodding. Be it crate engine or 70K drivetrain - brace yourself. This will not be the last time this funny looking little car will break your heart.