And I think FIA-ERA is a moderate kinda guy.
That was a good one! Made me chuckle a little!
I think your right Jay about the "thick" gasket. I couldn't find it and my patience was running out! It's hard enough to really find someone at the local parts house to track down anything! I used threaded valve cover studs, used some good ole 3M adhesive (black, no Gorilla snot!) and applied one to the head. I then applied the other casket to the valve cover and let set up over night. Someone told me to spray some "Pam" on the two surfaces and it would keep them from sticking. Well it all worked pretty well and gave me the extra room needed. I don't have stud girdles or anything really extraordinary but those valve covers did not clear my rockers! Very nice quality and they look the part, mostly. I just needed a pcv valve and didn't want to use my Buddy Bar covers with spacers.
Hey Jay, love the new cars your putting out these days! ALMOST, makes me want that new technology in a Cobra! They look pretty awesome, keep up the great work! Regards, Matt