Originally Posted by all motor
Thanks for the change Tony-that sure helps us over here-I was originally looking at hitting the road at 5:00 am YIKES !--the 'available' ticket has not sold to my surprize-I'm wondering what other car marques are in the corral and if this ticket could be made available to them? I'm just trying to help a buddy get his money back-update-I'm starting to contact some of the other clubs I know-
The club's that I'm aware of are the following
Mercedes Benz
Salish Sea MINI
R Gruppe
Puget Sound Miata
Club Miata
NW Audi
So the slot/parking goes by club, so I have no problems if another type of car has to park with us, but most likely if you find someone that wants the tickets that car club will find a way to fit them in. I will also ask around and see if anyone is interested in the tickets.