Originally Posted by Car Nut
Let's see if I got this right Mikie.
This dude wants to bring his purse and tear your clothes off to see you naked. Then he is going to go into a tizzy so his little gent will be upstanding.
I gotta tell you, I'm shocked, just shocked.
Car Nut, I just fell off my chair laughing, what you said was priceless. BUT, what I said was, I would whip him with my purse tear off his tee shirt and stomp it into the ground, I DID not say I would strip him naked, these were perhaps evil thots manifested by yourself in a fit of emotional frenzy to get your post out. So maybe you have this a latent desire in your mind and enacted out the follow thru you would have desired in your imaginative passion for verbal enjoyment of your fellow fine upstanding gents in the Arizona Cobra Club, at I might add, my expense.
But you did opine at the Safeway meeting that if anything was being said at my expense you would expose it for everyone to see, correct?
As I review these threads whenever there is a trip planned these rather risqué heightened thots seem to be prevalent in the extreme what with who will share rooms with who, and who will be riding with who, and who will be touching who's cookies, and who gets to sleep with the sheep, all this and some fat chicks water and some drunk puppy.
Far from me to pry, and I understand its a state of don't ask don't tell, but sometimes the truth will out, Got it, deep huh?
I say Penelope, more soju please and make it sharp since I am discoursing with some rather randy dudes here, err, correction, some fine upstandin gents.
