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Old 07-03-2011, 07:49 AM
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Originally Posted by CoolCarl View Post
Jockey, how are you feeling these days?

Last I saw you were hurting from all the chemo. Is that over and are you feeling better yet? I sure hope so.
I'm doing OK, Carl - thanks. It's a long road back, I'm on the two steps forward, one step back plan, it would seem. It takes time but I'm patient. Short term I'll probably be OK; long term, who knows. I tend to take things one day at a time now, I don't do a whole lot of future planning. Each day is sort of a gift, as corny and trite as that sounds. The car, this whole initiative that the guys here have done, in fact this whole website was a Godsend to keep me distracted and interested in something while the whole mess of treatment was underway.

If and when the car is finally built it's going to be very exciting to watch while I continue the climb back to normal, whatever normal turns out to be. Odds are there will likely be more treatment and issues down the road so the car will be something to keep me distracted from the day to day issues with that, so again I'm so thankful for that. Thanks for asking, and to ALL of you, once again thanks so very much.
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