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Adding to this thread because I have NO SPARK. 69' 428, MSD-6AL, replaced coil, voltage reg. ignition switch. Did the paper clip test on the MSD, it was good. Car turns over quickly, but will not fire. Screwdriver in coil wire doesn't spark. Dist. is turning, rotor looks good, not carbon trails in cap. Battery fully charged and grounds checked.
Car ran great, then was hard to start, (20 secs. cranking) turned it off, then 40 sec cranking. one last start of close to a minute cranking, got it home and it will not spark now. I'm open to help, dash is out and i have power to ign. switch with power on and cranking. Beautiful day and I'm stuck!!! thanks guys
It's an ERA if that makes any difference
We make 3 bad decisions a day. Choose them wisely.