Not Ranked
Hey, what happened. I posted as Cobra Dan???
Here is MY reply:
Man, what an event.
OK, next time I'll have "R" tires and no excuses for not coming in first.
As far as my consistency, I was however getting faster each time out.
Renee was pushing me to get into the gas earlier each time out and occasionally we got a little sideways.
I'm just glad I was able to best Jim Pomroy after talking all that trash the night before.
Glad to hear everyone made it home safe.
So, when are we running again?
Last I heard, we were looking to hook up with the Audi club.
I'm in, just let me know when!
Renee and I are hoping to make it to the DSCC meeting, and we may fly in for the weekend to save driving. We will have to see what happens.
Jeff and Roberta better keep an eye in their rear view mirror, I'm right behind them.
Thanks to all who helped organize this event. It's been great!
I can't think of a better way to enjoy my car.