Originally Posted by tin-man
Car Nut, well praise the Lord for making this clear and I do believe there will be many a folk on this forum will be thankful for your explanation.  . That said err, hmmm, well, how can I say this, well, here goes: ya see Car Nut, for me the explanation is moot since it don't make no never mind in my case cuz it don't go forward or backwards, or reverse as you call it, but we're workin' on it and it will get better and will get to go forward and backwards at some point in time. I have world class Doctors of automotive sciences weaving their magic and applied knowledge to reverse the ailment my car is saddled with.
BTW was your post in retaliation for some poor fine upstandin' gent running or almost running into you, there seems to be a back story here, do tell. tin-man 
While you may not be going forward or backwards at the present time, it makes this advice only temporarily moot.
As far as the back story goes, there is one. In this case however, the perp has already been duly chastised by his better half and there is no need to identify him. This story will be added to the Saturday night fodder.
BTW, the only damage done was a pair of soiled shorts and a broken ear drum.