Originally Posted by Philm
Sounds like a lot of fun.
It may be a good idea to check cylinder pressures, not sure what a stock 302 should be but you are really looking for a similar number for all cylinders.
Indeed - a heap of fun so far! I did a compression test before I stripped the engine and results (psi) were as follows (1-8): 140 135 135 135 125 125 125 140
According to my calculations, these should be around the 148 psi mark - in an ideal world. The 3 x 125 psi readings are a little troubling. I pulled the head gaskets this afternoon and didn't notice any major damage between 5, 6 & 7. Following comments here, I am very much considering rings and bearings.
Also, as Merv mentioned, I have the pushrods, lifters and timing chain awaiting installation.