Thanks to all who took advantage of the glorious weather to attend our second annual open house. What a great crew of local and some further afield car people. We made a real official appearance this year in conjunction with SAN as part of the Collector Car Appreciation Day events going on all over the country. Sign up with them, get informed and help keep our hobby alive and not legislated out of existence.
Thanks also to local merchants who advertise and support our business, NAPA, Fastenal and several others.
Enough ramble, pics of some attending buggies.
Rons glorious Shelby

Pats CCX FIA that I need a better pic of

Jims FFR with some really neat self designed and installed gizmos.

Pauls 1949 Anglia Gasser

Dennis and Peggys SPF resplendant in Hertz colors

The Johns with their nicely detailed SPF

More tomorrow it's late.