With all this apart, I measured the crankshaft bearing journals (connecting rod and main), the pistons and the bores and I am very pleased with the results. All were well within specifications for both size and taper.
Before removing the pistons and crankshaft, I also checked the big end bearing play and the crankshaft end play - again, both well within spec. All corresponding measurements were within tenths of thou of each other.
Next, I will be taking the block to be honed and will be replacing the bearings and the rings before it all starts putting itself back together.
I think while youve got the engine stripped down this far I would be boring it and throwing in a new set of pistons to match those new heads....
Take one of the old rings off and put it in the bottom of the bore measure the end gap....now put the ring in the top of the bore and measure the end gap ....I would bore it....anyway thats my two bobs worth...