Originally Posted by Y-NOT
They swelled to almost the size of a soft ball and are very tender. Surgery went well, not much more pain that I have from the MS. I had to go to the ER last night..couldn't pee. Every thing Bob B said about catheters is true.
Bill, thank goodness you are well and recovery is underway. The fact that you have big gonads is a plus, don't forget to carry a big stick, walk with a swagger, do shots and don take chit from anyone, anywhere, at anytime, particularly Danr and that other rascal Dave from Mesa.

The catheter thing is not pleasant for sure but it beats a colonoscopy procedure whereby they take the single largest telescope they can find, supercharge it with nitrogen and stick it up yer whatsit while pretty nurses ooo and ahh. Well at least that's what they do here.

Be well, tin-man