Originally Posted by Y-NOT
I did my last colonoscopy procedure with no medication of any kind. I was wide awake for the first two, and decided to try it with nothing..it is no big deal!
Bill, then you da man. I dont know what they do where you are but in Hong Kong the put you under since they insert a large telescope that has nitrogen being pumped to expand the colon and intestines so the proctologist can get a good look, takes pictures and gives you a video. Maybe its a cam coder they shove in there, feels like it, anyway I tried it once without the shot and was in absolute agony.
This issue becomes when the nitrogen extends the walls and creates significant pressure and pain. The pain gathers as the gas exits and it excruciating. Thus they put you under now untill all the gas has exited. Not a pleasant experience, but the consequences of not doing this far outweight the pain.
The nurses still shout yoo-hoo tho'.
