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Old 02-05-2002, 08:09 AM
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Subject: Reverend Jackson!

Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley, on his way home from work at City Hall, came
to a dead halt in traffic on the Dan Ryan Expressway and thought to himself,
"Wow, this traffic seems worse than usual. Nothing's moving at all."

He noticed a State Trooper walking back and forth between the lines of cars,
so he rolled down his window and asked, "Officer, I'm Mayor Richard M.
Daley, what's the problem; what's holding everything up."

The trooper replied, "It's the Reverend Jackson. He's so depressed about
the thought of everyone knowing about his extra-martial affair, his
illegitimate child, and his misappropriation of funds that he stopped his
car in the middle of the expressway and is threatening to douse himself with
gasoline and set himself on fire. He says the country and his congregation
are blaming him for his infidelity and doesn't know if he can live with the
shame and embarrassment.

The people in the halted cars along the expressway are taking up a
collection for him."

"Oh really," replied Mayor Daley. "How much have they collected for the
Reverend so far?"

"About 300 gallons," said the trooper, "but they are still siphoning." >>
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