Originally Posted by Michael C Henry
Why are divorces so expensive?
Because they're worth it.
.....and went from living in a huge five bedroom house on an acre of land with three high end cars, a large bank account and country club golf membership to living in a small trailer and uses his friends back yard as a place to park it. He drives a used truck.. The alimony and child support have sucked him dry. I advised him, come to China or almost anywhere in Asia, let the alimony and child support lapse, have your choice of beautiful women and live life well,with no regrets. The life of an expat has its upsides to be sure.
Moral to the story, you only live once so why suffer. Expats can live a very satisfying life in Thailand and elsewhere, on social security alone and if you have skill sets in demand, you can live like a king. go figure.