Originally Posted by Car Nut
Dundt let et hapen agin. 
Very interesting comment. Being an aficionado of etymology [the origin of words] the words used in the context of your presentation convey a certain verbal flavor reminiscent of the words used by someone who has relatives in the northern region of Scotland. Decidedly slight traces of a Scottish accent are surfacing. As an example the word dundt or when correctly articulated is pronounced DUNT.
Definition of DUNT
chiefly Scot : a heavy blow or stroke, proffered or offered to someone against future actions: a warning.
chiefly Scot : a sizable lump
sic[presumably the result of receiving the heavy blow or stroke].
Plus the word "agin" surfaced during 13c as the main word for "again," but was chiefly used daily as part of the northern Scottish dialect.
So it would seem Car Nut the are some Scottish genes floating around in yo' haid that prompted you to write what you did.
Remarkable huh?