Hi Mick,
The loads of scientists you refer to are few in number and 99% of the time are not climate scientists. Hence my reference to Auto electrics and butchers.
It reminds me of when I was a kid and the evidence for smoking being a cause of lung cancer was in. People quoted certain doctors or health experts who said that smoking was fine.
Hi Dimis,
I think you might be a little too synical about the tax as they seem to be giving a lot of it back. Unfortunately this government seems to be incompetant and unable to explain its policy's. All the tax has to do is make Green energy (solar, wind, geo thermal etc) the same price as fossil fuel energy. Given the choice (at the same price) most people will choose green energy (maybe as you say I'm a moron, my wife would agree with you)
We dont have to fix the world. Just our bit of it.
I agree with you about the minning tax. It was a great idea and the government got scared and backed down. Its our resources they are selling and I believe we have a right to charge more if they are making more.