Originally Posted by wanab5150
Hray, Over the last year or so there have been many drives and events have occurred in the Sacramento area but you will never see them posted. Obviously if you and others were welcome, they would be posted here on Club Cobra and you would already have received an invitation. You can probably figure that out, as you've had 141 views and no responses. Most of the Norcal guys read all the posts so maybe someone would like to respond and explain why the group is so elite. The breakfasts are usually posted so you can go to them if you choose.
If you wish to participate in weekend events, go to the Bay Area cobra club site. They post weekly breakfasts and events that ALL are welcome and invited to attend. They have many drives, breakfasts and events throughout the year and they are posted, like the up coming, Snakes to the Lake, a 3 day event, and many more which many of us here in the Sac. area now participate in. We had 30+ cars go to Santa Barbara in May, 30-35 go to Yosemite in June, A Cobra run up to the USS Hornet last month, and now Snakes. There are more already posted for late August and later in the year.
If anyone has a comment, be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
You are completely off base, uninformed, and seem to just make stuff up for unknown reasons. As you and others well know, we don't have the type of cooler weather the Bay Area group does during the hottest months of the year here in Sacramento. For at least fifteen years standing in Sacramento, EVERY YEAR during the hottest 100 degree months of July and August, we hardly do any group drives. The last drive many of us went on was to Maurice's gathering. My car has been sitting ever since, just to give you an idea.
Also, you must remember, there are LOTS OF OTHER EVENTS GOING ON RIGHT NOW, Hot August Nights, Tow Auto Museum this weekend, Red Robin Weeklys, and other things people are doing with cars in our area. And, remember, people are on vacation in the summer too scattered all over the place - getting AWAY from the heat. Me included. I'm also aware there are people in smaller groups who do smaller runs on their own, a few cars here and there, and that is up to them but its not some kind of elite secret, as you frequently suggest online. Who cares, really? As far as I know, most if not all NorCal group drives are typically posted here.
If you are looking for a response, this is mine based on what I know and how it typically goes. Low stress and
no drama. Let's try to keep it that way if at all possible.