86 Sebring,
I need to take a little heat on this myself. I know most of you want to help Doug. Get his parts or donate to the fund to get his car finished. Personally, I have had my own "minor" medical conditions haunt me, Spring weather was a nightmare, making any progress in the shop slow and tedious. I hope to have less than a week to go to get all caught up with my priority type work.
Mr Mustang sent a new camera to me to replace mine that crapped out months ago! As mentioned, Doug's parts are in my shop still in their original shipping boxes! I have / had three other Cobras under construction, one Blown-Pro-Street '40 Willy's, and for you Chevy guys over 20,000 lbs of antique chevy muscle parts that are in my shop!

. Everything from 409's, 454's, 427's, 396's and muscle 350 4 bolt's. Everything from the 60's to early 70's! My daughter asked me to help out her Mother N Law to sell her Husbands parts for her. (Most parts are now sold!)
Anyway, my shop is only 40x42. To say floor space is at a minimum, I think you can see spreading out Doug's "Dozens" of boxes with all the motors, thousands of parts, and cars under construction would be a total inventory nightmare!
So hang in there for just (hopefully) a few more days and I will post pictures of Doug's parts and pieces.