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Old 08-08-2011, 11:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Hray View Post
Thanks for heads up on event sources. I get the cruising news, it lists most all the stuff for the general car scene. Just in case anyone else is looking for general events. I will be looking forward to the next local cruise with the cobra. I get bored at the car shows, I would rather drive than sit and look.

Aside from our sporadic monthly NorCal breakfast meetups on 3rd Saturday of every month, be sure to post anything you see going on that you might want to attend, and others might want to join or meet you there... Some don't like to reply to the whole group on ClubCobra, but you might receive a private message (PM) from time to time.

Many times I see an email here or there on some last minute drives on a Sunday morning with 2-3 Cobras here or there, but we've not done many of the 20-30 car drives like we use to. Note: We use to do a lot more drives, however in the past few years consistency has cut down some for sure for a variety of reasons. Many in our group are doing different hobbies and other projects now so instead of meeting 12 times a year like we use to, we typically have larger meetups 3-4 times a year now; more quarterly than monthly is how I would characterize it. My intent is to try and explain where the "NorCal" group as a whole sits. As for smaller group get-togethers that come about last minute early on a Saturday or Sunday morning, these friends and their drives have little or nothing to do with NorCal Cobras as a whole. When it cools off, I'm hoping we can do some sort of a mid-October drive, and after some people get back from summer vacations, etc. I do have a place in mind, scoped it out yesterday. Take Care. I hope this helps a little more from what I see, or don't see. In any case, if its under 85 degrees, we all need to be out driving the Cobras when we can!
Western States Cobra Group 1998-2016.

Last edited by decooney; 08-10-2011 at 06:26 PM..
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