Jamo, I went to what you see. From .125" to .156 is only .030" There is only about .150" left per side which is not alot. also went with a spiral pin. I stripped the first pin of 1/8" spiral with 135 psi and cold 15w-50
oil. I don't know why you would compare a SBC to an FE for any thing???
oil pressure, wider bearings, lite bottom end, a better engineered motor in some parts. Yes they have 3/16" pins. Cheap to break, cheap to rebuild.
Have gone back to 1/8" spiral pins with everything listed above double checked and motor getting warm up. Polymer gear still look like new going on season 6. Lite Springs, limited camshaft travel, and added oiling have helped extend gear life. Limited rpm range also may have helped too.
Looking forward next year to a Cali trip. Hope that Joe B. is still kicking. I would like to hear the story behind Smithy 198 mph motor with tricks. Fresno is a small town may hunt you down to, with eggs
Big fan of Hollywood Knights. Have a nice day. Rick L.