Originally Posted by marcocsx3121
I made a pilgrimage to Thames Ditton while on one of my business trips to the U.K. in 2000. It's a quiet, picturesque little village on a bend in the river, replete with ducks and water lilies. I had to ask three people where the AC works had been before a gent pointed me to a nondescript red brick structure. I did find a small, bronze plaque on a wall telling of the site's glory days.
I had the same experience. Also found the plaque with difficulty. Chatting to the owner of the Swan Pub which is right besides the factory, he said he would welcome some pics and history of the factory to mount inside his pub. Tried to contact Stephen Grey but never received a return call so left it there. Still feel it would be great if someone could put this together so that visitors and locals could could learn more about AC. Been there, done that but no T shirt ,cap, or book.