First of all I want to say thanks to Jake and Kim for setting up a really great event. Having done a couple of these myself I can appreciate the amount of work it takes to put something like this together. GREAT JOB.
Day one started out clear but by the time we got to the rendezvous point the overcast had caught up with us. That's the northwest for you. If you don't like the weather wait 5 minutes and it'll change.
Everyone got together in the McDonalds parking lot and we had a mini car show for all the locals. I think the count was 13 by the time we were ready to leave.
We left Lakewood via I5 south and traveled down to Olympia where we took off west headed for the coast. Within 5 miles of heading west we drove out from under the overcast and could enjoy the sunshine and blue skies.
A little later and we were back under the overcast but it was warming up so we had high hopes that things were improving.
A bit of a way down the road Jacob had the his rear spinners loosen up on him and had to pull over to try and sort them out. On the plus side I had my Mother Thumper mallet, safety wire and safety wire pliers with me so we were able to get the spinners tightened up and rewired. Jacob got a little energetic with the mallet and the driver side spinner ended up with only two rather than three ears but the ear with the hole drilled in it was in tact. We got everything re-stowed and off we went to catch up with the rest of the crew. The weather started cooperating again so we had a pleasant run the rest of the way to the Astoria bridge.