Weather is looking Goooood for the weekend!!
Starks Corners will be our starting point, seems like most of us know were it is, with plenty of parking to get set up. I am not planning to have breakfast there, just a quik cup of coffee and a roll, this way we can start the trip with out much delay. Plan on
leaving Starks Corner by 9:30AM. I will send an email out on the route as well as have directions at our meeting place. Some of you may wish to meet up along the route insted of coming to Staks Corners. We'll keep the overnighter in mind and see how the trip progresses, if needed we can split off the trail and head back for home, making it a great day event or we can forge forward with an Overnight Stay and a Sunday morning return for a two day road trip. Please respond to my email or on this tread if you intent to ride or not.
Thanks Fred