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Figuring out the title situation could save you a lot of wasted time. Unless the shop owner holds a title signed over to him by the previous owner, I don't think he has much stake in this except for whatever is owed to him for work and storage. ... Beware if the guy trying to sell a car cannot produce valid ID showing him as the guy who's name is PRINTED on the title. I once had a guy try to sell me a car that he claimed to have bought from the original owner. He produced a title signed over by the original owner, but could not put me in touch with the original owner. I think he was just an amateur car salesman trying to avoid paying taxes on the car he was flipping. But, for all I know he had stolen the car and title, and forged the PO's signature. I passed on the deal.
Cheetah tribute completed 2021 (
Previously owned EM Cobra
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's Razor