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Jst4fun..I appreciate the CraigsCobras website. Very informative. I see the spacers you speak of and which I am seriously considering but he does mention using a tie strap to pull the pipe that was projecting outward a little. How he did it I have no idea. I would probably cut a 2x- wood member to fit the profile of the pipe and pad it up to not damage finish and at the opposite end use a hydraulic jack laying horizontal and resting on an unmovable object such as a concrete curb and push until I reached desired results. I like others removed the shims under one mount and pushed the motor over to the right a little and the results are better but not perfect. Also, what is the minimum clearance sidepipe to fiberglass or paint should I acheive. I'm 1/2" clear on one side and 3/8" on the other to the top of the opening. The 3/8" side I could put a thinner shim to drop. The spacing of the sidepipes to the body were somewhat equal until I pushed the motor over and became closer on one side. I can see how the shims as noted in the CraigsCobras website could drop the sidepipe down for additional clearance.