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Old 09-26-2011, 10:49 AM
bkozlow bkozlow is offline
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Default Painting glass

The important thing is to make sure you have not sanded parting wax into the body. Use a good prep-sol de-waxer and then sand that gelcoat so there are NO shinny spots. Use water to help spot the unsanded spots by removing all the sanding dust. Glass bodies are not very even. A surface may look flat but can hide valleys and hills. After you have done the car with 220-240 give it a coat of 320. The car is now ready to shoot with Evercoat high buildup, resand using long boards with 220-240. If you are doing it correctly the car will look like a pinto as you will probably go through the Evercoat in spots back down to the gelcoat. Now use Evercoat finishing filler coating. This is not high buildup and has a lot harder finish and is harder sanding. Pin holes should be filled with an expoy filler not fender fillers. Two, part filler, Evercoat makes these also. The 220-240 again and then I coat with Dupont Corlar epoxy primer. If you feel at this point you need a sealer then apply, I don't and have never had a problem. Match the color of the primer to your final color. The primer has an affect on the final color. Sand with 220-240, wash follow with 320-360, wash followed by 400-600 wash and pre-sol, hit it with a wax rag and you should be ready to paint final color. The paint job on a Lambo takes 250 man hours!!! The secret is

bill k
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