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Special event for next year ?
As some of you know members have in the past attended a trip around the Great Lakes and it was hosted by the Great Lakes Cobra Club and it was well planned Some of us have gone to Branson twice and we met Cobra Club members there. The reason I bring this up is in the hopes of planning something for next year .
A few things I have learned is to plan early and get input and ideas from WCCC members like you . Some of the input I have received is to plan it before school starts in the fall and a one days ride from here.
Some of the ideas I have heard:
A. Attend an exciting event planned by other clubs.
B. Plan our own event and invite other clubs.
C. It may not have to be a Cobra only event ?
So lets hear from you and post your ideas on this thread for everyone to comment and bring the best ideas to light. Hopefully we can pick out something at the Holiday Party.
Last edited by bulletbrown; 09-27-2011 at 08:38 AM..