Originally Posted by chatterbox5333
Thanks Mark IV. My SPF is #2600. The car has only 1900 miles on it. I was surprised that a bearing would go bad so soon. Anyway, Where would I get that one time use nut? SPF dealer or at any parts store? Are there any other things I should know before starting this repair? Sounds like you've done this repair before...
The nut is a Ford Thunderbird Supercpoupe item and can be had from Ford or an SPF dealer (I have them) and you also need the washer that goes behind the nut. Yes, I have done this but the bearing repalcement was due to a customer accicdent, not bearing failure. Generally the bearings are good for a ton of miles but you might have gotten a bad one.
You will need a 26MM deep socket for the axle nut.
I will double check the torque requirement, the 175 is off the top of my head. When you remove the upright to press the bearing out/in be sure to count the spacers on the upper arm outer rod end and replace them in the same posistion front/rear. The job is not hard and will only take a couple of hours total.