Originally Posted by Danr55
Bob, We look forward to it. You are correct. You've been away too long. See you then.
Tinner, A "Grumpy" is a cantankerous old codger from the east coast with a sense of humor that would dry out the desert. All in all, a joy to be around.
Dan, awesome, thanks for the explanation, seems I am going to enjoy bandying words with Grumpy being a cantankerous "young" codger meselfs, hailing from Cor Blimey which is decidedly east cost. Brit humor has a tendency to be slightly dry too, y'know. BTW where does John Tucson hail from, I could not detect any sense of humor in his 1300+ posts, but get the sense he too is a cantankerous owd codger. Seems like an altogether decent chap but has an tendency to be slightly acerbic in his posts. These types of guys are a challenge for me in that I enjoy breaking thru the walls they have built over time to get to see what they are really like deep inside. I have found out most of these guys are the salt of the earth when you really get to know them. Am I right? Cheers, John, AKA, tin-man