Bitten by the ebay bug. While scrolling thru all the multitude of parts I bid on a new set of roller rockers with shafts and stands. I won and when the part showed up its box is marked made in China.
I know I did not do my homework here and now probably own some additional garage junk.
A little background - When I was building a 390 for 67' Cougar I decided also to build a 390 for a future Cobra project. I did not go totally overboard but it has the Edelbrock heads and slightly over .5" lift on the cam. I installed new adjustable iron rockers on stock shafts and stands.
Over the last couple of years I have seen where people break the stock shafts at the end stand, so wanting to avoid this I started thinking I needed a different set up that used the stands with end supports. Back to the beginning.
My thought is what I had is better than what I bought. Has anyone successfully ran the Pro Comp stuff?