Rick - Gessford provided some general engine instructions, they kept it pretty generic but covered the essentials: be thoroughly warmed up, don't let it sit and idle, don't lug it (be at 3K if you're going to put your foot in it), use a high quality detergent 30w or 40w racing
oil, and recommend DEXCOOL coolant. I intend on going the pre-oiler route, let the debate continue on that subject but I'm sold that it is a good idea, even if overkill with the Gibbs
blykins - It will be a street car with recreational time on the track. I intend to run Gibbs BR for the 1st 500 miles (and with at least 1 change to inspect for debris), then will go with Gibbs HR-4 or HR-3, don't mind the extra $$ for a little piece of mind (1270 ppm ZDDP).