Jamo - I recommend
www.mapquest.co.uk - you can get our whole country into one itty bitty map!
Leicester is in the Midlands, roughly paralell (in a north - south sense) with Birmingham, but a ways east. We are right next to the main (M1) N-S motorway, so you have no excuses.
Wales - how did I know you would find a reason to visit our most intensive sheep-rearing area? That's what's in Wales (plus the Welsh, who make a formidable reason to never go there).
Although it's on the wrong side of the country (what the heck, it's a small country), the Lake District would be a nice area to drive through on your way North, also if you drop by here, you can get there via the Peak District, again scenic.
U2-Driver - how do we know your'e not just asleep behind that shiny visor and letting some computer do all your work for you??