I recently recalled one of the dumbest questions I've ever heard. It made me think that might be a good topic for us to share such moments with others. So feel free to add whatever you like. But it needs to be really dumb to qualify. Here's my story.
In 1969 I was attending Air Force ROTC Summer Camp with a bunch of other cadets. At one point they took us to see some aircraft including a HH43 Rescue Helicopter like this one.
The unusual twin rotor design makes the area directly above the cockpit a virtual blender of whirling blades. At one point, a cadet raised his hand to ask this question. "Are the ejection seats (it doesn't have ejection seats) timed to fire the pilots between the blades?" The rest of us cadets looked at each other and groaned as we assumed the pilot giving us the tour would think we were all as clueless as the cadet who asked the question.