So, I finally got a chance to spend a few hours in the garage yesterday and today. Yesterday I installed the bumpers:
Didn't get a picture of the front, however, I also completed 95% of my undercar exhaust on the driver's side. This is the very difficult side as the master cylinders, steering shaft, and most problematic dropped footbox is on this side.
First I welded the bell flare that mates to the ball flange on my headers:
Then the drop pipe to get the round pipe tight up against the floor where it transitions to oval pipe:
Followed by the oval pipe with a 30 degree horizontal bend to line up with the flowmaster muffler:
Then the oval to round transition to the muffler and muffler:
Now I just need to weld up a hanger for the muffler and fit the tailpipe. I'm stoked that it actually fit so well!