Originally Posted by winwithacobra
The Drawing is open to Canadian Residents. Here is the link to purchase tickets
Win With A Cobra
I don't know exactly how many at this given time. Is definitely way lower than when Shelby did it a few years back. We are going to be luck to cover the cost of the car. Hopefully we do. The charity really needs help for funding the program.
When I first saw this thread, I thought that you were not getting the word out about the raffle effectively, but now that I see that you are taking the car out all over the place, it looks like you must be marketing this much better than I thought. I think it would be worthwhile to get the word out more with a couple of advertisements in some major car magazines like Road & Track, Car & Driver and/or Automobile Magazine. You probably don't have much time to pursue that now with the drawing coming up at the end of the year though.